Costs are as depicted below, though pricing for additions are negotiable depending on the size of the additions!
Fully rendered piece, bust or hips and up. Fullbody can be discussed for an additional cost, depending on posing.
☆ $70 for one character
☆ +$20 for any additional character
If you'd like a piece with only lineart or flat colors. Same as above, bust/hips and up unless discussed otherwise for fullbody at an additional cost.
☆ $45 for lineart
☆ $55 base price for flats
☆ +$15 for additional characters
Each comic automatically includes 4 panels with up to 2 characters.
☆$200 for standard
☆+$50 per additional panel
☆+$35 per additional character (for full comic)
Each piece is entitled to a simple block color background at no charge. Any image provided by the client as a background can be incorporated as well (if they legally own the image.)Any fully rendered backgrounds will be an additional cost, price depending on the intricacy.